1. a person who flees for refuge or safety, esp. to a foreign country, as in time of political upheaval, war, etc.
2. political refugee : a person who has fled from a homeland because of political persecution.
Hari ini Hassan Wirajuda mengatakan bahwa Indonesia tidak akan menerima pengungsi Myanmar, Rohingya, karena mereka 'economic migrants' dan bukan pencari suaka politik (political asylum seeker). Beritanya ada di sini.
I don't get it.
Kenapa mereka bukan pencari suaka politik?
Ini menurut Amnesty International.
Amnesty International is concerned that the local Myanmar authorities’ policies regarding the Rohingya population in the northern Rakhine State result in violations of a wide range of their basic human rights. While the general human rights situation in Myanmar is far from satisfactory, the Rohingyas suffer from specific deeply discriminatory polices targeting them. The vast majority of Rohingyas are effectively denied Myanmar citizenship; subjected to severe restrictions on freedom of movement; forced labour; forced evictions; and extortion and arbitrary taxation
Kenapa Indonesia, dalam hal ini Deplu atau pemerintah pusat, tidak mau menerima pengungsi yang mengalami perlakuan tidak manusiawi di tanah airnya, Myanmar, dan mengalami kekerasan dari militer Thailand dalam perjalanan mereka mencari kehidupan yang lebih baik?
Not the 'we-have-our-own-problems' answer again. C'mon.
We can send docters, diplomates and money to Middle East, why can't we help the refugees who come knocking on our door?
Artikel lain tentang pengungsi Rohingya.
update : from what i saw on news at least the sabang people and authorities were helping Rohingya people, and not sending them to drift on the ocean like Thai navy.
Aku masih berharap pemerintah Indonesia bisa memikirkan solusi yang lebih baik dari mendeportasi pengungsi Rohingya kembali ke rejim militer Myanmar.
Treat others as you want to be treated. That's all.
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